About us
In 1954 we were founded as the Maryland Shorthorn and Polled Shorthorn Society Inc. with 5 original members. Since then, we have grown our membership to include breeders and exhibitors from across the Mid-Atlantic Region. Every spring we hold our Annual Meeting and Dinner. It is a great opportunity for Shorthorn fellowship, a recap of the previous year's events, and to gear up for another eventful year. Every June we host the Eastern Regional Shorthorn Show at the Howard County Fairgrounds. This is a highlight of the year and allows breeders and exhibitors to come together to showcase the Shorthorn breed.
Board of Directors
David Bowman: 240-549-9507
Vice President
Sean Hough: 443-745-5146
Heidi Bowman: 301-651-0852
John Faber: 410-991-4434
Brenda Strohmer: 410-790-7248
David Zepp: 443-277-2312
Ben Warfield: 443-695-2806
Paul Leister: 410-259-8031
Lee Holland: 240-372-1434